SINCE 2011

Saturday 3 September 2011

Do Heaven and Hell Exist?

 Last night, I spent about 2 hours reading this so-called testimonies about heaven and hell showed to this Ecuadorian 18-year old girl, Angelica Zambrano, that was said to be dead for 23 hours. In her testimony, she was with Jesus Christ and He let her see the Kingdom of Heaven and Hell.

 Jesus Christ told Angelica that she must tell the people that hell really exists. She saw several known people there that you wouldn't imagine that they are there. Someone like, Michael Jackson.. We all know that the King of Pop helps the children and to bring peace on earth, but he's in hell and he's going to be tormented when Angelica saw him there. She ask Jesus why Michael Jackson is in hell. Jesus Christ answered her "He was a satanic. He had an agreement with the devil in order to achieve fame and attract many fans." I myself is shocked knowing that MJ is in hell. He helped many people. But he has sinned in making an agreement with the devil.

 Next in line, Angelica also saw Pope John Paul II in hell! This is really shocking! A pope in hell? What the hell! Then Angelica came in asking again Jesus the reason why Pope John Paul II is in hell. Jesus replied "Yes, Daughter, he may have said many things, but he would never speak the truth as it is. He never said the truth and they know the truth and although he knew the truth, he preferred money over preaching about salvation. He would not offer reality; would not say that hell is real and that heaven also exists; Daughter, now he is here in this place.”

 Angelica saw many things in hell. Imagine what you have to imagine. She's now afraid that she might not get out of hell. But Jesus Christ said "I'm with you." She was enlighten by that. Jesus brought Angelica to His kingdom.. the Kingdom of Heaven. It's like a paradise you couldn't imagine. There, you can see people and angels praising Jesus.

 Now that we've known this testimony.. Do you think these kingdoms really exists? Do you really believe? Which way you wanna go? Let's repent now.

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