SINCE 2011

Thursday 5 January 2012

What's Apologizing For?

 In every relationship, there comes along the words.. "I'm sorry." and "I apologize."
It's very natural for a couple to make or encounter some arguments and misunderstandings.
And if ever you saw a couple without fights, arguments, jealousy. It seems like they are PERFECT..

 Sometimes, fighting with your partner make you learn for something. You have the chance to know more about each other. Cute little fights are good to make some sweet moments. And I really love that part whenever we fight.

 But sometimes, if the both of you are loving your pride so much.. nothing will happen. Your relationship with each other will never work. So here comes the words asking for an apologize. Lowering your pride makes your partner know that you really love them. Explaining to them what's on your side and listening to his/her side too, and accept all the opinions. Forgive each other and forget what happened. Show your partner what you really feel. Love until you drop. But ever hurt each other's feelings. Stay loyal. And never leave them whatever happens :))

 Love is beautiful. Never waste any of it. :">

Is crying a sign of weakness?

 When we're still a kid, it is normal for us to cry out loud like a baby. But as we grow older, we have this what we call sensitivity and shyness to cry in front of many people. Maybe because they might think that we're still acting like a child and/or they might think that we are weak and coward of everything and all we have to do is cry. But they really don't know that we are just speakin' up what a mouth can do. And if they really care about us, all they have to do is shut their mouths up!

 There are facts about crying. I'm gonna give you 5 examples of the reasons why we are crying. All you have to do is read them, think about it, relate and just agree with it.

 1. We shed tears when our love ones left us.
 2. Crying is most probably the easiest and best way  to release emotional pain.
 3. We sob when we are reading a love novel.
 4. We cry when we are heartbroken.
 5. We cry because it will make us feel better.

 Crying mostly happened behind close doors as it is deemed unsightly for one to cry in public. Maybe, as time move on, human may evolve to an extend where we don’t tear anymore.

 *Walang masamang umiyak. Nasasaktan ka eh. Alangan namang magpa-Party ka?

How do I spend mah money?

 "It's not about the money, money, money
We don't need your money, money, money
We just wanna make the world dance
Forget about the price tag."

 Oooops. Hello guys! Are you familiar with that song lyrics? Yeah! It's entitled Price Tag. And it talks about the money, money, money. Ha-ha. We all know that money is very important for us in our economy today. Maybe it's one of the reasons why politicians run for their positions, crimes and crimes and many many more crimes. But that's not what I am about to tell you today. I am just gonna share where I spend my money.

 Usually, because I am a teenager.. I want to explore the world, my surroundings.. And I always want to be with my friends hanging out. I admit that I am very very costly especially when I am with my friends. Actually, not really with my friends. Ha-ha. I spend to much when I am with the one I love. :"> I really want to make every single moment special when I'm with him. But let's not talk about that person first, :P

 I also love spending my money on foods. I love to eat all the time. I love ice creams and everything! I also love buying anything that catches my eyes. See what I am talking about. I am very expensive and costly. I don't really thrift myself. I spend my money like a one day millionaire. And i know that's one of my bad habits in holding my cash.

 Anyone there knows how to thrift? Can you teach me how? To dougie? I mean, to thrift and save money? Just text THRIFT to 123456789. :)

New Generation's Sleeping Beauty

 Sleeping is a naturally recurring state characterized by reduced or absent consciousness, relatively suspended sensory activity. We all know that sleeping is awesome. And I'm gonna tell you a story about myself alone, sleeping in class.

 It is normal for us students today to fall asleep in class. Especially, when the subject or the subject teacher is boring. And when the students are suffering from insomnia or sleepless nights because of the homeworks and projects at school. Plus, waking up early in the morning. I admit, I'm one of these students that I am talking about. From my past blogs, I already said that I love eating as well as sleeping too. Sometimes, I don't choose places to sleep in. It could be in my room, living room, friend's house or even at school. I have once noticed by out teacher in History Class sleeping while she is discussing. She humiliated me in front of my classmates. And even banned me in her class! The next day, I controlled myself from the temptation of sleepiness. I just can't hamper myself from falling asleep. Thank God I controlled myself. And she didn't even notice me that day. I think that's one of the great lessons I learned from her, though it's very impossible to learn something like that in her subject. :)

 So folks, sleep early and don't even try to do what I just did. ^_^

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Christmas is always important to spend with ...

 Traditionally, my family and I used to celebrate the Christmas with our relatives. They come over to our place with their gifts and the foods that were assigned to them. Usually, my cousins and I are just fooling around while waiting for the party to start.
 So after we eat, our parents are organizing games for my cousins with money prizes. And it makes the party more livelier.

 Our parents prepared different foods, karaoke's,and kiddie games. Well, I don't join the games. I might just win over them. =)

 This is how I spent the holiday.
It's important to spend Christmas with your family.

  How about you? 
How did you spend the holiday?

Monday 2 January 2012

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Christmas Vacation

There's nothing more like vacation!
No classes, no homeworks, no projects.
No early morning wake-ups. No uniforms.
No teacher in bad mood. ^_^

 Oh, how I love vacations!
More time at home to rest. More time to go out with friends.
More time to spend with the family. And most of all.
More time to sleep. :)

 But how about.. the money you spend while enjoying your vacation?
How would you hang-out with your friends if you don't have the money to spend?
And money is the most fundamental thing you need to enjoy your vacation next to your friends.
Oh well, that's one of the disadvantages of vacations.