SINCE 2011

Wednesday 17 August 2011

A Letter for my Grandparents

 I know all of us have their own grandparents, right? Even though they are still living or we can just say we once had our grandparents. Lucky are those who still have their grandparents together. They are the ones helping us with our parent's problems. Just like me, I still have both of my grandparents with the side of my mother's. And I really love them both because they are the one who took care of me when my mother sacrificed me first to work hard here in Manila for my better future.

 My grandmother's already 67 years old. Her name is Hermelina R. Tibor or simply called as Lola Erly. She stood up as my mother ever since. And so I am very close to her than my real mom. You don't know how much I really love my grandma and I really miss her so much. And grandpa's name is Deogracias S. Tibor, 69. *Oh. I think I'm going to cry right now.*

All I want to do is to be with them every single day of their lives. We don't know maybe tomorrow, the other day, later or in the next 24 hours, God will take any of them? God can do everything. But I'm always praying to give my grandma and grandpa another 50 years to live. 50 decades to be together. Or even a lifetime with us.

 I don't wanna cry. I'm controlling myself at this moment. I am just doing this for my grandparents, especially to my grandma. I promise to do anything just for them to live longer and to have a good health.

 And I decided that if the time comes that God will take one of them. I surely promise to read this simple dedication for the both of them. Here it goes:

 "To my grandparents, thank you for taking care of me when I was little. I really understand how hard it is to raise a child like me. I just can't imagine that you're already gone. You don't know how much I love you both. You are my parents, first teachers and grandparents. You were the one who taught me good things. I'm really missing you now. Sorry for not being such a perfect granddaughter for you. I am just me. The little baby in your arms, the crying baby at night and the cheerful kid that has already grown up. I made this letter when I was still in my third year high school. Sorry for being immature. But please guide us wherever we are. I love you both and have a wonderful and less problematic next life with our creator. Goodbye. :'("

*I'm getting emotional already. I just really want to show how should we love our grandparents. Thank you for reading!

An Expensive Birthday

 How do you spend your birthday? Is it with your family or with your whole clan? Is it simple or a real-rock party? Or let me ask you again. How MUCH do you spend your birthday?
Tibor Clan
Birthday comes once in a year. A great party or gathering should be celebrated. I am going to tell you a story about my birthday in 2010. 

 Last year, 28th day of September, 2010. A big birthday bash was celebrated. I'm very glad to see my family, cousins, titos and titas around. They are very ready and very much dressed than me. I am the birthday celebrant that should wear casual clothes, but I rather wore a jumper and a slip-on shoes. There's an obvious act beyond their faces. They are more excited than me. Then I just consorted with them. I let them show that I am happy, excited and everything.

 We started to travel from Makati to Laguna and it took one or one and a half hour to reach our destination. We finally come to Enchanted Kingdom. One of the famous amusement parks here in the Philippines. And we're like one battalion of army coming to that place. I think we are about 20 people going there just to celebrate my birthday! All of the expenses are paid by my dad! Imagine 20 people and I only got one dad to be responsible for all of our expenses?

 Until we finally got home and let my visitors celebrate in our place. We had a double-party. And I was just like :O. But I know, it is one of the happiest birthday I ever had. My first birthday with my whole clan. And with my dad and younger brother. :)

*But always remember, money can't buy happiness.

Love-Hate Relationship with Food

Ice Cream
 Food is one of the essential things for us. We can't live a day without it (or it depends if you are in a diet). I admit, I am a gluttonous person. I love to eat anything that is very pleasing to my eyes, even though if it is a street food or something. But even though I'm kinda greedy, I'm also eligible in selecting foods to eat. I want like this, I hate like that. So, I am going to tell you what I want to eat and to let you know early as now to know where you will bring me if you'l ask me to hang out. Ha-ha. Kidding. :)

 First, I love eating cold food or anything frozen. For example, ice cream or salad. As well as in drinks, I don't like it much to drink hot beverages. I prefer cold drinks even if the temperature is kinda chilly. In place, I am very comfortable eating those things in a moderate temperature and nice view of the green trees around. That's a perfect place for me to relax and eat at the same time. Can you imagine some place like that? Do you find it cool? :)

 Let's go now to my pet peeves regarding to food. I hate stinky and dirty food. Ha-ha-ha. Common sense. I don't like eating vegetables. I don't like eating green-leafy thing. I don't eat cheese too. I really don't like cheese and I don't know why. To make you understand it easily, here's a list of what food I love and what food I hate.

- ice cream
- salads
- pizza
- lasagna
- adobo
- fresh fruits except orange, I don't eat oranges

- green-leafy vegetables
- cheese
- oranges
- squids
- hot/warm foods that was already cooled

 *That is how I love and hate food. Eating is my life. As well as sleeping :)

Saturday 13 August 2011

One of my childhood favorite spare time food :)

When I was still in elementary, I love eating MikMik. Ha-ha. Most especially the chocolate-flavored one. And now, after 4 years (I think?) was my last time to eat this thing. I really miss it! Ha-ha-ha!
 I'm already in my Junior year, and a friend took this shot. Sorry for the neck. I'm having my adolescence. I'm starting to have my adam's apple. Kidding :p

Special thanks to:
Jeiel Micha Tacbi for taking this photo.
Toni Lyz Ariene Nario for the camera.

 MikMik <3

Daily Journal #3

 Ooopps. Good day! Sorry for not posting a journal or blog or a nonsense blog. Been busy sleeping because I'm not feeling well yesterday.

 Yesterday was just the same as the past few days. School. Home. Sleep. Eat. Sleep. Eat. Sleep.
And today, I'm a little bit disappointed because this day should be our "Mini Get-Together" with my classmates last year. But we decided to cancel it because most of them are "busy" with their own life now. I don't know, maybe all of them already forgot us, the times we were together, everything! Ha-ha. But I'm not that mellow-dramatic person. I understand them.

 I'm so bored in front of my laptop. So I decided to write my journal now. I don't talk to much this time, because I ate my lunch at 2:30 pm today. So late! Maybe my metabolism is not working well or shall I say not appropriate. And that's all I feel today. I'm really bored and sleepy. Wishing someone will come over here in my crib and bring me pizza and lasagna and fries! It'll quench my boredom. :)

 So that's all. Ha-ha. Today is really a lazy day. And I'm now playing Bruno Mars' Lazy Song. It suits my mood for today.

Les gens au revoir! Je vous aime tous! :*

Thursday 11 August 2011

Daily Journal #2

 Hello readers!

 Good Evening Ladies and Gents!
Here I go again, I'm going to tell you what happened to me today.

As usual, I woke up at exactly 5:00 o'clock AM and did my daily routine. Woke up, did some stretching, brushed my teeth, take a bath, wear my uniform, face the mirror.. Walk to school. Wait for the teacher. Bored :|

And then by 9:30 AM, we were excused for the second elimination round of "Talinolympics", unfortunately, we're not able to be in the last round. But we're proud that the other team of our section was able to join.

 And also today, I am happy because something new has come. I can't explain but I think it's very private for me. Let me tell you that next time. Ha-ha.

 Woohoo! Thank God, I'm already done with my project in Social Studies. I'm ready to pass it tomorrow, but I'm very nervous about the long tests and quizzes tomorrow. I'm hoping to pass them all. Pray for me please :)

 So, see you again tomorrow! Friday is coming :)))

Goodnight :*

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Daily Journal #1

 Hello! Haven't posted for a few weeks or a month I think. I've been busy doing school works and everything. I just wanna share what happened to me today. I decided to put everything happened to me here everyday, as a journal or diary, I think? Ha-ha. So here it goes.

 Today, 10th of August 2011, Wednesday, we had our so called "Test-Test Day" in Chemistry, our first subject. We're not really surprised about it, because we already know how hard our teacher gives quizzes and exams. But we're grateful, we have passed it already *sigh*. It's a very normal day for us, after Chem, English and then Social Studies. Next was MAPEH, we took an exam about Physical Education as a review for the coming first Periodical Test next week. And then we had a break time. After that, Geometry is the next subject. But we were excused because we joined the "Talinolympics" - a contest regarding the celebration of Buwan ng Wika. We are very thankful that we won in the elimination round. And we were like "WAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!" It really made our head to work! Brain storm, headache.. Plus, the heat of the sun and the little stampede and commotion. We're very thankful about it. And tomorrow, will be the next round for the contest. We will assure to win it, to raise the name of our section, III - Platinum! :)

 And that's all for today, I really need to go to finish my project in Social Studies. See you again tomorrow! Iloveyouall. I love Philippines! <3